Memco Cross Road, Naroda Road, Ahmedabad-382345 ,Gujarat,India.

+91-9662548735 | +91 9825027887

Spine Surgery

Spine surgery department poses as forerunners in managing spinal surgery. High performing department carries out high risk spine surgery cases, spinal deformity, microscopic spine surgery and revision spine surgery.

Spine surgery has seen it all !!!

In our initial days of practice we used to see predominantly elderly people with backache coming to spine clinic. But to our surprise we see lots of young people presenting to the clinic these days. This changing trend we see is because of lifestyle modifications happening in our current generation.
By life style modifications I mean

a. Change in the food habits which encompass fast food and packed food culture. This saves few seconds but deprives our body of essential nutrients and exposes it to harmful preservatives which have carcinogenic potential.

b. Lack of exercises, no sunlight exposure, whole day sitting job, bad postures etc..